Friday, November 27, 2009

The truth, far away….
Away….Away….far away
The bliss of truth is far away
Far from the dreaming souls
The bliss of truth is far away!

The earth is silhouetted
With boisterous human egos
That cluster among
A heap of snobbish mortals!

Away…. Away….far away
All natural virtues
Are bound to be away
As fates destine it to be!

Senseless voices clamour around
Breaking the rhythmic silence
And brute civilities
Shake hands with one another!

Somewhere here and somewhere there
People look on to that spark of truth
Which in fact remains a mystery
To all lying beasts, living beneath!

When days give way to nights
And darkness blankets lights
Deep slumber crawls on to everyone
And everything under its yoke!

Still an elite few proclaims truth
With their on versions and passions
And people meakly trace on their footprints
To find nothing but a great utopia in the end!

Away….Away….far away
The bliss of truth is far away
Far from the dreaming souls
The bliss of truth is far away!
Searching for a Tie

The sun rose a little late
As a companion for my drowsy thoughts

Half asleep and half awake
I tried to switch on the lamp

It had been raining throughout the yester night
And the supply was not yet resumed in the morning too!

The rays of sun reminded me
Shouldn’t you get ready for the interview?

I searched for my new shirt, shoes and finally the tie
But it was somewhere away from my sight!

Or should I speed up and accelerate my motor bike?
I was quite at a dilemma;
And hence cancelled my interview for the day !
The Password Incorrect
In the early hours of the day
I logged on my system
To portray life
With its lively features accurate!
I browsed on the surfaces
Of love, truth and tolerance
With the help of all available softwares
But nothing suited to my freakish brain!
Some crippled images appeared on the screen
And I shut off the system with a curse
The I tried to login the system once again
But the system displayed with a disdain
That my password is 'incorrect’
The patient went to all his familiars
Seeking debt, for an immediate dialysis;
The bosom friend said he was in debt;
As he bought a new car a few days back!
The cordial colleague said he was in debt;
As he built a new house a few weeks back!
The consoling cousin said he was in debt;
As he got his daughter married just last year!
The dear most brother said he was in debt;
As he got his son admitted for medicine
A couple of days back!The sweet speaking sister said
She was in debt;
As she had been to various pilgrim centres
The entire year around!
The intimate neighbour said he was in debt;
As he opened a new shop, a fortnight back!The charity men too said they were in debt;
As they opened " a poverty research centre "
Three months back!
The patient got exhausted a pondered himself thus " Should I really need a dialysis now?
When the society as a whole
Badly needs it at once, with no delay at all!"
The Kite, out in the orbit
Mummy gave her pretty babe
A pinkish kite from her kit
To stretch out into the sky
And amuse herself on the sly!
The kid played herself
With the string in hand
And her kite floating amidst the air
Showering delight all along!
She ran as swift as she could
Through sands, soils, woods and deserts
Chasing the kite without break
To reach up the sun, moon and innumerable
Her heart filled with ecstasy extreme
And let loose the string from her hand
The kite vanished from her sight
And she fell down, with her senses lost!
A flight to Paradise
He lived and led a pleasant life
With a smiling face and cheerful care;
His warm heart gave comfort and relief
To everyone paid him visits so often!
He gave them medicines and wise counsels
To heal their physical and mental grievances;
They gave him to various destinies and destinations!
The young fellow had no personal discomfort
Except that his mind was disturbed at times;
Owing to the hectic schedule he had undergone
He was exhausted and often his sleep was disrupted!
One night he had a sound and steady sleep
Which could not be awakened by anyone at all;
He was having a calm and peaceful time
With no botheration for anything in the world!
He was laying stagnant amidst the crowded people
Conveying a mute message to all his beloved
“ I am on a flight to paradise now;
Won’t you too visit me, some other day?”

( Dedicated to my doctor friend Dr. J.M. Leelakrishnan , Kottayi Palakkad District, Kerala, who departed all his beloved ones at a very young age due to cerebral haemorrhage )