Friday, November 27, 2009

The patient went to all his familiars
Seeking debt, for an immediate dialysis;
The bosom friend said he was in debt;
As he bought a new car a few days back!
The cordial colleague said he was in debt;
As he built a new house a few weeks back!
The consoling cousin said he was in debt;
As he got his daughter married just last year!
The dear most brother said he was in debt;
As he got his son admitted for medicine
A couple of days back!The sweet speaking sister said
She was in debt;
As she had been to various pilgrim centres
The entire year around!
The intimate neighbour said he was in debt;
As he opened a new shop, a fortnight back!The charity men too said they were in debt;
As they opened " a poverty research centre "
Three months back!
The patient got exhausted a pondered himself thus " Should I really need a dialysis now?
When the society as a whole
Badly needs it at once, with no delay at all!"

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